Orientation > Step 2 > Simmering Sages
You want to hear from someone who empathizes with you first, not an expert who says "It's easy". You've had bad experiences with prior educators who had bad curriculum, bad presentation or predatory commercial motives and you think it's you, not "them". You need to be understood first, and supported second with proper tools.
There is a very important part of our global community who really struggles with the nature of money, managing money and/or talking about software or spreadsheets and that was YOU.
Having such a disposition can be incredibly frustrating, destabilizing and confusing. It can lead to a sense of shame for some. It can make a person feel sad and depressed at times. It can even make a person feel like an outsider.
!! We all have some things in common !!
Every Accounting Alchemist and Categorizing Crackerjack suffers from frustrating, destabilizing, and confusing characteristics from time to time. Likewise, most have dealt with sadness and some with depression. And everyone feels like an outsider at times. No exceptions.
There is a very important part of our global community who really struggles with the nature of money, managing money and/or talking about software or spreadsheets and that was YOU.
Having such a disposition can be incredibly frustrating, destabilizing and confusing. It can lead to a sense of shame for some. It can make a person feel sad and depressed at times. It can even make a person feel like an outsider.
!! We all have some things in common !!
Every Accounting Alchemist and Categorizing Crackerjack suffers from frustrating, destabilizing, and confusing characteristics from time to time. Likewise, most have dealt with sadness and some with depression. And everyone feels like an outsider at times. No exceptions.
The differences we have related to these feelings are our triggers, not the feelings themselves.
In the case of those who struggle with the money or discussing the software or technology for managing it, we respect the fact that you've heard from "experts" before about "how easy it is". We respect you may have invested in "Money for Dummy's" or "Bookkeeping for Dummy's" without earning commensurate rewards for your efforts.
This website and free material came about because someone "good with money and technology" ran into someone who was getting his pocket picked from every angle by vultures who were better with money and technology than he was. That victim self identified as a "Simmering Sage".
A dip into conspiracy is needed by everyone. You were actually suffering from poor thoughts and false beliefs about money and technology that has been intentionally planted and perpetuated by "them" without you ever thinking twice about it.
Several of our books dig into these ideas deeper. They may in fact be a better place for some of all you to go before anything else, although we feel a short dip into the software itself will relieve a lot of stress. Then you can start chasing whatever knots persist.
We can help you out and we know that because we know everyone can upgrade themselves to a Categorizing Crackerjack in a matter of hours because we've seen it happen time and time again.
Money management and bookkeeping consists of four simple steps and the last two are literally just a click of a button...
It's just that simple. You should have been taught all of this in sixth grade.
In the case of those who struggle with the money or discussing the software or technology for managing it, we respect the fact that you've heard from "experts" before about "how easy it is". We respect you may have invested in "Money for Dummy's" or "Bookkeeping for Dummy's" without earning commensurate rewards for your efforts.
This website and free material came about because someone "good with money and technology" ran into someone who was getting his pocket picked from every angle by vultures who were better with money and technology than he was. That victim self identified as a "Simmering Sage".
- These solutions came about as a part of a self-defense class which was created just for him, so he could feel more confident and more in control of his money and his technology.
- This solution is what has decreased his stress in that area, and this website represents their mutual desire to share this type of new and better experience with others.
A dip into conspiracy is needed by everyone. You were actually suffering from poor thoughts and false beliefs about money and technology that has been intentionally planted and perpetuated by "them" without you ever thinking twice about it.
- Debits and Credits serve NO PURPOSE in basic bookkeeping other than to confuse you.
- We've developed an entire commercial grade bookkeeping module without relying on the idea of Debits and Credits to show all what this looks like when confusing vocabulary and dogma is removed. Who would confuse you like that and why?
- An "Income Statement" should NEVER have been called in "income Statement". It could have been called a "Net Income Statement". Who would do that and why?
- A "Balance Sheet" should NEVER have been called a Balance Sheet. It's a Comparative Net Worth Statement. How much am I or my company worth if I get hit by a bus today. That has nothing overtly to do with "Balance". Who would do that and why? And for goodness sake, the Balance Sheet has NEVER been just a snapshot in time, yet that's what ever major Financial Educator was spouting prior to our publishing in the 2020 time frame.
Several of our books dig into these ideas deeper. They may in fact be a better place for some of all you to go before anything else, although we feel a short dip into the software itself will relieve a lot of stress. Then you can start chasing whatever knots persist.
We can help you out and we know that because we know everyone can upgrade themselves to a Categorizing Crackerjack in a matter of hours because we've seen it happen time and time again.
Money management and bookkeeping consists of four simple steps and the last two are literally just a click of a button...
- You have to aggregate transactions in a list somehow. We do NOT suggest doing that in a fully automated, fully digital manner. We suggest a manual download process that is very efficient, or you can do manual entry. This keeps things simple and many professional CPAs and bookkeepers will only work one of these two ways, believe it or not.
- You have to categorize transactions. The hard part there is typically self induced. The categorization lists are too long and complex. We simplify that for you.
- You have to hit a button to produce a "Net Income Statement (aka an Income Statment)
- You have to hit a button to produce a "Comparative Net Worth Statement" (aka a Balance Sheet)
It's just that simple. You should have been taught all of this in sixth grade.
We know you can handle this.
For those of you who have stumbled into one of these coaching or consulting programs where you are paying $200-350/hour for services, we feel there's a fox in your hen house. If you enjoy their company and you can afford their services, you can continue to pay those rates, but understand that basic financial education should never cost that much from anyone who has your true and highest interest in mind. We're giving it away for free to show you what the other end of that spectrum looks like.
- All of you have handled far more complex information in your own lives.
- When in it comes to this information, you were bamboozled.
- For you, this will be more about unwinding knots from bad information inputs than anything else.
- This is the Yoga you need to practice most until the knots come out, and that happens quickly once you commit to it with a good set of tools and information like we've provided.
For those of you who have stumbled into one of these coaching or consulting programs where you are paying $200-350/hour for services, we feel there's a fox in your hen house. If you enjoy their company and you can afford their services, you can continue to pay those rates, but understand that basic financial education should never cost that much from anyone who has your true and highest interest in mind. We're giving it away for free to show you what the other end of that spectrum looks like.
We know you can do this.
We want to see you living with less accounting and technology stress in your life.
We look forward to seeing you succeed.
We want to see you living with less accounting and technology stress in your life.
We look forward to seeing you succeed.