For CPAs > Demystification Documents
Formal Accounting Education was well dogmatized by the 1980s. Learning from college curriculum required unnecessary mind bending.
The old dogma was taught first instead of functional small business bookkeeping. That lead to mounds of confusion and it left many who were more than worthy of learning the Art out in the cold.
As software came online in the 1980s, a healthy spreadsheet template with an automated General Ledger and Balance Sheet would have been massivly popular. It would have also kept the Database Developers and Profiteers in check. The pent-up historical confusion would have started melting away rapidly.
Without that, the mystification of the Bookkeeping and Accounting Trades got far worse for the common man while becoming financially better for Accounting Practitioners and Technologists.
Fortunately or unfortunatley, with the publishing of our free, open source Bookkeeping Template with our first of a kind auto populting G/L and Balance Sheet in summer of 2021, a lot of "de-mystification" came along with it "by default".
Our goal now is to hijack 1000's of CPAs from the pool of 400,000 who are seeking to continue their accounting work for a profit, but with a totally different, and far more fulfilling work-life-balance and human connection. Our goal is to find those who can become the Yogi's and Yoghini's for the "accounting studios" needed in their local and online communities, fulfilling everyone's needs in a more satisfying in inner-connected way.
Below is some literature we've prepared for any educator, coach, consultant, advisor or yogi/yoghini-in-the-make to help speed up the "de-mystifcation process" for those they wish to Support. They are obviously also good for any current professional or end user wishing to guide themselves through the "dymistification process".
These should be consumed in the order presented. Each builds on the other with some minor overlap for reinforcement. When false beliefs are the root of the problem, starting the educational process over from scratch with a very simple narrative that supports a "practice first" philosophy is the best approach.
Our "Accounting Studio Magic" Series...
On our Educational Menu, the first item you will see is our "Accounting Studio Magic" Series. At time of this edit, on 2/16/2022, we have ASM 101 and 102 on the website.
ASM 101 does NOT teach Bookkeeping and Accounting. That is done in a hands on manner with our templates. It is about teaching people how they are going to learn about Bookkeeping and Accounting and for many that is where they need to start. We offer 8 slide presentations for education. Use them for yourself. Then put them to use in presentation to others. A portion of those documents are referred to as our "Demystification Documents". That will make sense in context.
Thanks in advance for your support.
The old dogma was taught first instead of functional small business bookkeeping. That lead to mounds of confusion and it left many who were more than worthy of learning the Art out in the cold.
As software came online in the 1980s, a healthy spreadsheet template with an automated General Ledger and Balance Sheet would have been massivly popular. It would have also kept the Database Developers and Profiteers in check. The pent-up historical confusion would have started melting away rapidly.
Without that, the mystification of the Bookkeeping and Accounting Trades got far worse for the common man while becoming financially better for Accounting Practitioners and Technologists.
Fortunately or unfortunatley, with the publishing of our free, open source Bookkeeping Template with our first of a kind auto populting G/L and Balance Sheet in summer of 2021, a lot of "de-mystification" came along with it "by default".
Our goal now is to hijack 1000's of CPAs from the pool of 400,000 who are seeking to continue their accounting work for a profit, but with a totally different, and far more fulfilling work-life-balance and human connection. Our goal is to find those who can become the Yogi's and Yoghini's for the "accounting studios" needed in their local and online communities, fulfilling everyone's needs in a more satisfying in inner-connected way.
Below is some literature we've prepared for any educator, coach, consultant, advisor or yogi/yoghini-in-the-make to help speed up the "de-mystifcation process" for those they wish to Support. They are obviously also good for any current professional or end user wishing to guide themselves through the "dymistification process".
These should be consumed in the order presented. Each builds on the other with some minor overlap for reinforcement. When false beliefs are the root of the problem, starting the educational process over from scratch with a very simple narrative that supports a "practice first" philosophy is the best approach.
Our "Accounting Studio Magic" Series...
On our Educational Menu, the first item you will see is our "Accounting Studio Magic" Series. At time of this edit, on 2/16/2022, we have ASM 101 and 102 on the website.
ASM 101 does NOT teach Bookkeeping and Accounting. That is done in a hands on manner with our templates. It is about teaching people how they are going to learn about Bookkeeping and Accounting and for many that is where they need to start. We offer 8 slide presentations for education. Use them for yourself. Then put them to use in presentation to others. A portion of those documents are referred to as our "Demystification Documents". That will make sense in context.
Thanks in advance for your support.