Testimonials > Sales Systems
The two individuals below are the owner-operators of very complex, multi-file Sales Systems. Ric was doing about $160k in annual sales and Kristian was doing about $350k in annual sales. They were both trying to use Intuit's Quickbooks for invoicing, bookkeeping, payment processing and much more with stressful, costly and lackluster results. Neither could actually get the reports they needed due to standard small business complexity on the Managerial/Cost Accounting side of their business that Quickboks simply can not handle well. In both cases, the final solutions for them does things one could never do in Quickbooks.
The information below is half testimonial and half case study. These two are great users of their systems but these systems are large, complex and not easy to describe succintly, thus our support with the prose.
We initially were not planning on publishing sales systems on this website, but we realized learning about Sales Systems and Bookkeeping Systems simultaneously has the greatest educational benefits. It's the handoff between systems, or actually the lack there of, that is so clarifying for all.
Together, Sales Systems and Bookkeeping Systems give a better picture of a healthy accounting system. When presented as two separate systems with no data exchange, as should be the case for most Small Businesses, they expose a clearer delineation between between Managerial/Cost Accounting and Tax/Financial Accounting that is otherwise far more fuzzy in Quickbooks or other solutions where the functionality is all mixed together in a single interface.
In November 2021 we started publishing introductory, single file, stand-alone Sales System Templates for Education and Business Use. These are slimmed down versions of far more complex, multi-file, modular systems that were prototyped and Beta Tested in 2016 and 2020 with Ric, Kristian and a few others. Once we get testimonials for the smaller, stand alone systems, we'll add those testimonials and separate them from these more complex ones. The complex systems these two individuals use are not currently public, but photos of them are. We expect to share those complex modular systems templates via this website or another as time, interest, and aptitude progresses.
The information below is half testimonial and half case study. These two are great users of their systems but these systems are large, complex and not easy to describe succintly, thus our support with the prose.
We initially were not planning on publishing sales systems on this website, but we realized learning about Sales Systems and Bookkeeping Systems simultaneously has the greatest educational benefits. It's the handoff between systems, or actually the lack there of, that is so clarifying for all.
Together, Sales Systems and Bookkeeping Systems give a better picture of a healthy accounting system. When presented as two separate systems with no data exchange, as should be the case for most Small Businesses, they expose a clearer delineation between between Managerial/Cost Accounting and Tax/Financial Accounting that is otherwise far more fuzzy in Quickbooks or other solutions where the functionality is all mixed together in a single interface.
In November 2021 we started publishing introductory, single file, stand-alone Sales System Templates for Education and Business Use. These are slimmed down versions of far more complex, multi-file, modular systems that were prototyped and Beta Tested in 2016 and 2020 with Ric, Kristian and a few others. Once we get testimonials for the smaller, stand alone systems, we'll add those testimonials and separate them from these more complex ones. The complex systems these two individuals use are not currently public, but photos of them are. We expect to share those complex modular systems templates via this website or another as time, interest, and aptitude progresses.