Sales Office > Offerings > Sponsored User Services
$149 and up PLUS $99 Sponsored User Permit Fee
We will be offering Sponsored User Services on a case by case basis until we have a stable of Licensees who can handle the work. Our start-up goal is to attract and train Licensees before we attempt to bring on Sponsored Users, but we will consider handling Sponsored Users if the shoe fits.
To view the standard Sponsored User Agreement click here . This agreement outlines general rules of engagement but it does not detail the nature of the Licensee Fees for setup and support. Below is an example of our fee structure and service offering presentation...
Sponsored User Costs
What does this work entail?
All projects are quoted individually. Please contact us for custom quote.
We will be offering Sponsored User Services on a case by case basis until we have a stable of Licensees who can handle the work. Our start-up goal is to attract and train Licensees before we attempt to bring on Sponsored Users, but we will consider handling Sponsored Users if the shoe fits.
To view the standard Sponsored User Agreement click here . This agreement outlines general rules of engagement but it does not detail the nature of the Licensee Fees for setup and support. Below is an example of our fee structure and service offering presentation...
Sponsored User Costs
- Our personal setup service for Sponsored Users starts at $149 for the simplest of setups and someone who we think will "get it quick"
- Our personal setup service for Sponsored Users typically caps out around $600 depending on factors and complexity and that may or may not include initial tutoring.
- These are just estimates and this pricing is in addition to the $99 Licensing fee
- Remember, once you are setup and running you may never need more support or you may only need coaching support when something goes wrong. If/when you wanted to upgrade to a new file template, that will required more services from us, but you will not have to pay the software licensing fee again.
- All projects quoted individually.
What does this work entail?
- New User Data Worksheet - You will need to provide a handful of data about your accounting so we can assess your configuration and project requirements
- Positive and Negative Values OR Debits and Credits - We will decide which software version you want to use. Undoing this is not easy without a chunk of work, so this decision is somewhat binding.
- File Configuration - We will configure one of the latest software templates for the checking, credit card, income and expense accounts you will need
- Raw Transaction Mapping -- We will do a one-time raw transaction mapping configuration for checking and credit card accounts
- Statement Data -- We will load in or help you load in all statement header data for checking accounts and credit card accounts for up to 12 months or more from PDF statements
- Transactions -- We will load in all data you can provide via bank generated CSV files for checking and credit card accounts for up to 12 months or more (these MUST have bank generated dates on them)
- Reconciling -- We will help you confirm reconciliation for all provided data (assuming the statement data and the csv data was bank generated)
- Income Statement - We will help you configure and understand an income statement that fits your business
- Balance Sheet - We will help you configure and understand a Balance Sheet that fits your business needs (if applicable)
- Introductory Use -- We will individually go over the software use with you in addition to showing you where all the video resources are for your needs
- Three Months of Support -- We will be available by email and or by phone for three months to make sure you get up to speed with software use. We recommend doing your books monthly during that time to maximize our support.
All projects are quoted individually. Please contact us for custom quote.